The First Point

Ta-sui was asked, "What is the very first point?"

He replied, "Don't think falsely."
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Existential Atheist, Ctd - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

The Existential Atheist, Ctd - The Daily Dish By Andrew Sullivan AS [yesterday] linked to wonderful Sagan bit on our beautiful island home, earth. Born to this one world, our species, or more accurately the power brokers of our species seem hellbent on destroying us and all living things, Look at the wickedness in the Gulf. No, not Arabia, the Americas. BP's irresponsibility [and the other assorted corporate malefactors] has and continues to cause wanton damage to our ocean, the planet, flora and fauna. Government oversight of offshore drilling was a bad joke, and the joke's on all of us. Collectively we crave oil because it fuels our industrial existence. But, really, the fuel of our salvation is love and only love. For each other, ourselves, the planet and all of creation. Peace.