The First Point

Ta-sui was asked, "What is the very first point?"

He replied, "Don't think falsely."
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Existential Atheist, Ctd - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

The Existential Atheist, Ctd - The Daily Dish By Andrew Sullivan AS [yesterday] linked to wonderful Sagan bit on our beautiful island home, earth. Born to this one world, our species, or more accurately the power brokers of our species seem hellbent on destroying us and all living things, Look at the wickedness in the Gulf. No, not Arabia, the Americas. BP's irresponsibility [and the other assorted corporate malefactors] has and continues to cause wanton damage to our ocean, the planet, flora and fauna. Government oversight of offshore drilling was a bad joke, and the joke's on all of us. Collectively we crave oil because it fuels our industrial existence. But, really, the fuel of our salvation is love and only love. For each other, ourselves, the planet and all of creation. Peace.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To Sinead O'Connor, the pope's apology for sex abuse in Ireland seems hollow -

To Sinead O'Connor, the pope's apology for sex abuse in Ireland seems hollow -
Years ago, I hung a poster from the newspaper, "The Catholic Worker," that read: The greatest kindness I have to offer you is the truth. Openness, sincere acknowledgement of past wrongs, care for and compensation of victims, and cooperation with civil authorities these are the steps that need to be taken by institution for crimes against children. The cover ups, the excuses, and rationalizations must end! If the men of the cloth are men of faith they know that God sees all. What else matters beyond our attempts to make ourselves right with the Lord? A contrite heart requires deeds.

Monday, March 29, 2010

We are respectable negroes: We Hate the Government But Want More Government Jobs: Are The Tea Party People Dumb? or Are They Just Really Stupid?

We are respectable negroes: We Hate the Government But Want More Government Jobs: Are The Tea Party People Dumb? or Are They Just Really Stupid? Great read. There's no logic to racial animus. Deep down these baggers long for the good old days when uppity black folks like the Prez knew their place. Only in America...will bitter racial supremacist work so hard to cloak their bigotry with pretzel logic.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Taking Out My Eraser | The New Republic

John McWhorter stirs up the pot with this riff. Like him or hate him, he's very brave. Right... well, that's another matter. We're all entitled to our opinions. But, we don't all get published. Read on if you dare!

Taking Out My Eraser | The New Republic

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Empire, Oligarchy and Democracy |

Love him or hate him [you can't be indifferent], Ralph's observations about the US are always worth thinking about. Empire, Oligarchy and Democracy

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Crooks and Liars

Crooks and Liars

If I met the Trent Franks I would have to thank him for the great concern he voices for the plight of Black America, Nah...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The OPR Report: Your Turn To Be Analysts And Reporters - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

The OPR Report: Your Turn To Be Analysts And Reporters - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Down the slippery slope to government absolutism. For the greater good, as understood by government bureaucrats and political functionaries, we, our government can torture. Oh right, my bad, water boarding isn't torture. Funny, we treated it as torture during WW2 when our soldiers were water boarded. Hmm, I guess whether it's torture turns on who's doing the pouring. Right.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More on climate change.

7-Day Forecast for Latitude 42.65°N and Longitude 73.78°W

7-Day Forecast for Latitude 42.65°N and Longitude 73.78°W

There used to be a saying: everybody's talking about the weather but you can't do a darn thing about it. Talkig about the weather, like sports, was always a good ice breaker: boy, it's hot; is it ever going to stop raining; you could freeze your [insert unmentionable body part] out there, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Well, nowadays we find ourselves on the edge of catostrophic climate change for millions of our sisters and brothers on our "fragile island home," Earth, and we can do something. We can reduce carbon emissions. We can plan for disasters and organize for emergencies---on a global scale. We can help to reallocate millions who will bear the brunt of suffering. Or, we can allow the refuseniks, deniers, their backers, appeasers, and enablers to set the public policy agenda. Dylan wasn't singing about the weather, but he was right: a hard rain's gonna fall.

Snowy Monday to you,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

But first a word

Way too much is being said by fools and knaves. Paid, by our corporate masters, to blast off right wing claptrap as opinions and spewed propaganda pieces as news [that's you Fox Noise], our public information apparatus has fallen to near ruin. The other networks usually simply bite. The old main stream giants of liberal orthodoxy, like the NYT and WasPo, when confronted by corporate thieves, right wing mobs of tea baggers, and GOP shill folks, are suffering from a terminal loss of spine.
What's a red blooded New Yorker to do? Rise up, separate the wheat from the chaff, and share the good news. Brag on the Dems and progressives who are fighting for us commoners. Celebrate the bloggers (and select few=Keith & Rachel most prominently on the tube) who are shining the light of reason and compassion on our fragile globe.

And,of course, have some fun (with a little fluff), too. Film. Music. Books, Art. Sports, most definitely. World Cup this summer. Cuse Lax. Had to watch the Blueshirts last night. Rangers [thank you, Dubi, for calling "the kid, Sid" a big crybaby]. Jets, better luck next year. Yanks [that's 27 titles, you haters]. And, my poor beaten down Knicker Bs. The King's not coming!

Ah, that's why this is the height of folly...

A Luta Continua, jb